Hi friends,
We know you’re receiving a lot of messages about COVID-19. In an effort to not contribute to further inundation, we aren’t sending an email but gently posting a quick ‘hello’ on our platforms to say hey. We hope that everyone is doing okay (and remembering it’s OK not to be OK). Please take care of yourselves and each other to the best of your abilities.
Just so you know we have shut the RADIUS office and co-working space for the time being, and our team is fully remote. We’ve either suspended or moved programming online, and we are learning lots about how to do this well. You won’t be hearing from us about any events, ours or others, in the near future, unless they are immediately supportive of the current situation.
What is really important right now is you, your community, and everybody’s health. We look forward to seeing you all again soon and will update again when we know more.
From the RADIUS team to you and yours, take care.