Health Change Lab is a once-in-a-degree immersive experiential learning program. Undergraduate students from a variety of academic disciplines – including Business, Interactive Arts and Technology, Health Sciences, and Kinesiology – come together to form interdisciplinary teams. Together, they investigate a local social problem, build a sustainable business intervention to respond to it, and pitch their ideas to community influencers – all in just 13 weeks.
Hosted by RADIUS SFU, the Beedie School of Business, and SFU Health Sciences, Health Change Lab students collaborate with program partners such as Fraser Health and the City of Surrey on issues that are pertinent to Surrey. Students learn about social entrepreneurship, systems thinking, determinants of health, personal development, and effective team dynamics (to name just a few topics covered).
Experienced instructors Shawn Smith (BUS), Tamara Connell (BUS), and Paola Ardiles (HSCI) will leverage their networks to bring in mentors and partners to enhance the student experience. Change Lab programs are generously supported by Scott Shaw.
Without further ado, meet the Fall 2018 Health Change Lab Cohort! We are so excited to work with these emerging changemakers.

Keerit is a 4th year student working towards a BSci in Health Sciences alongside a minor in Business. Keerit loves to collaborate with others and values the strength that comes from interdisciplinary teams. She is excited to tackle health issues through social entrepreneurship and is grateful to join a program that fosters and appreciates young minds. Her interests include, but are not limited to, mental health and addiction issues centred in marginalized populations.

Amal is a 2nd year Interactive Arts and Technology student minoring in French and finishing up her Certificate in Entrepreneurship & Innovation. In her spare time, she enjoys writing, reading, and attending community events. She has a special passion for social entrepreneurship, and she is very excited to learn more about it both in theory and practice during Health Change Lab.

Renmart is a 4th year Biomedical Physiology student interested in systems thinking, health promotion, and sustainability. He was drawn to Health Change Lab because of his passion for experiential learning – an interest that has developed from travelling abroad and getting involved in research. He looks forward to learning about social innovation and working within an interdisciplinary team to address complexities public health challenges in the city of Surrey.

Elise is a 3rd year student studying Sustainable Business, a joint major in between the faculties of Business and Environment. She is passionate about the environment and making our societal systems sustainable for the 21st century. Elise is excited for Change Lab because she wants to learn how to implement real social change. Elise is excited to work with like-minded students and develop her ability to achieve her sustainability goals!

As a 4th year BSc Health Sciences student, Hailey is currently conducting research on child psychiatric care at BC Children’s Hospital. Recently, she has made avid progress in regards to organ donation awareness, and she is working on her passion project with the City of Surrey to implement the topic of organ donation into the BC School Curriculum. This experience has driven Hailey to pursue a career in health related legal studies and policy. Hailey is excited for Change Lab, as she is looking forward to using her innovative and creative abilities to tackle community health related challenges with her peers.

Jordon is a 4th year SFU student in the Interactive Arts and Technology program. He loves to swim, write in his journal, and most of all, play and make cool stuff with LEGO. Jordon is pursuing Health Change Lab in the hopes of learning more about innovation, entrepreneurship, and the chance to make cool stuff with more than LEGO to help people in their everyday lives.

Armina is a senior design student at the School of Interactive Arts and Technology currently doing an internship at Google. She is passionate about the convergence of design with fields such as education and health care, where she can utilize technology to serve the underserved and build sustainable communities. On the side, Armina plays the piano, travels, and listens to a lot of hip hop. She’s excited to work with other SFU students from different disciplines and backgrounds in Health Change Lab.

Hussein is a 3rd year Health Sciences student interested in exploring how cultural and religious communities play a role in an individual’s health outcomes. In his spare time, Hussein enjoys spending time with friends and family, hiking, and seeking the best views around Vancouver. He is excited to learn from other driven students during Health Change Lab, building on his existing understanding of the intersection between social innovation and health.

An ardent lover of cats and steeped tea for 20 years, Jennifer is entering her 3rd year pursuing a BSc in Health Sciences with a concentration in Life Sciences. She currently works within HIV research and as a debate coach. During Health Change Lab, Jennifer is looking forward to addressing gaps within the healthcare system, especially those concerning senior citizens and underserved populations.

Entering her 3rd year of Health Sciences at SFU, Grace is excited and honoured to start the school year as a participant in the 2018 Health Change Lab cohort. She is keen to work with her peers to collaboratively address hurdles that hinder a healthier and more sustainable society. Grace loves getting involved in various humanitarian and academic efforts to broaden her perception of the world and specifically healthcare. When not immersed in her studies or research, Grace can be found enjoying a nice cup of tea and singing along to her favourite songs.

Abel is an outgoing design student who aspires to create beautiful products and powerful experiences. He enjoys film, sketching, and paper crafts. He is eager to learn more about the current social and health challenges existing in the city of Surrey and be part of real, applicable interventions for change.

David has focused his studies at SFU on the intersection of Health Sciences and Business. With experience designing and monitoring life cycles of various health-oriented business projects, he is keen to animate solutions to community health challenges through a venture-based project in Health Change Lab. David’s research interests have involved lifestyle diseases, musculoskeletal health, and delivery of patient-focused care. A fitness enthusiast, David enjoys cycling, running, kayaking and indoor rock climbing.

Adrian Genge is a Health Sciences student entering his final semester at SFU. He desires to improve patients’ lived experiences with illnesses and disease. In Health Change Lab, Adrian is keen to explore the role of community building and how these learnings can be applied to patient empowerment. He looks forward to learning in an experiential way and can’t wait to meet his peer cohort. In his free time, Adrian likes to pace around his living room with his housemate while discussing silly topics that he read about on the Internet.

Elaine has a passion for health and helping those around her. Currently a 4th year student majoring in Kinesiology, Grace volunteers in the Clarke Lab as a research assistant and at the Canadian Red Cross in the Disaster Management team, where she helps victims of natural disaster around BC. Additionally, Elaine is a supervisor at the SFU Fitness Centre and works as a lifeguard and swim instructor at the SFU Aquatics Centre. She is thrilled to be part of Health Change Lab and apply what she learns in her future work!

As a designer with an interest in healthcare, Chris readily recognizes how emerging technologies can be leveraged to do good and create better care for people. In his free time, you can find him listening to all types of music and discovering new artists. On other days, you can find him jamming on his guitar, gaming, or animating.

Manvir is a 4th year undergraduate student majoring in Health Sciences at SFU. Aside from his studies, he loves playing and watching sports, melancholy- filled drama movies, and listening to R&B music.

Sarah is curious about how health can be shaped by social and physical environments, especially among vulnerable populations, and how we can better understand these interactions through balanced quantitative and qualitative research methods. She is excited to learn how to develop economically sustainable and community-based projects addressing the health and well-being of Surrey residents. Outside of classes, Sarah can often be found at the SFU Trottier Observatory, where she works as an observational astrophysics research assistant and spends her nights collecting data on galaxies and showing visitors the universe through a telescope.

Alanah is a 4th year student at SFU completing a degree in psychology and pursuing a Certificate in Innovation and Entrepreneurship. She draws inspiration from a multitude of disciplines, including behavioural neuroscience, marketing, and sociology. She’s interested in what people do, why they do it, and how those findings can have pragmatic applications to marketing, technology, and the omnipresent user experience intrinsic to our activities – online and offline. She looks forward to gaining invaluable practical experience from Health Change Lab!

Christine is a 4th year Health Sciences student whose hobbies and interests include anything related to nature, science, and space. She can often be found practising yoga daily and biking to work. She is especially interested in environmental health, finding ways to establish sustainable and healthy communities. Christine is a strong believer that health shapes our lives and communities. She aspires to create a supportive environment where everyone can realize a healthy, happy, long life!

Cassandra is pursuing a BA in Health Sciences and a Certificate of Urban Studies. She hopes to improve the health of communities through changes in the built environment, particularly through active transportation and public space. She loves biking and skiing, and she is currently attempting to nurture a green thumb!
Helping cultivate students into changemakers
Health Change Lab is co-delivered by RADIUS SFU, the Beedie School of Business, and the Faculty of Health Sciences. Change Lab is generously supported by Scott Shaw, Scotiabank, and the Charles Chang Institute for Entrepreneurship.